Christian Exclusivism

The Oxford American Dictionary defines exclusive as "not including, excluding, omitting, ignoring, barring. Christians are accused of being exclusive because they believe that Christianity is the only way to heaven. They believe that anyone who does not believe that is excluded from heaven and is doomed to hell. This view is believed by fundamentalists and evangelical churches. Is it wrong to believe that the Bible is the only way to heaven?

Contemporary society would say it is wrong. They would say that is insensitive and offensive. If the Bible is not the word of God and Jesus was just a man, I would agree. If the Bible is true, then it has every right to say it is the exclusive truth. In the past all religions believed that they were the true religions. What good is a religion if it doesn't. The purpose of religion is to give answers to life's ultimate questions. Religions were not meant to be a social club.

What does the Bible say about itself? In John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but by me." Acts 4:12 says, "Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." The Bible teaches exclusivism. Why believe the Bible? The Bible prophesies King Cyrus be3fore he was born. Many people who were the scum of the earth were transformed by the Bible. John Newton, a slave trader, after his conversion championed the cause of abolition. Chuck Colson, Nixon's hatchet-man became a compassionate preacher. The apostle Paul was a murderer and persecutor of Christians. After his conversion he became a beloved saint.

Does it matter? In the Star Trek Next Generation episode "Rightful Heir" a clone of the Klingon founder said it did not matter if the real Kayless returned as long as his teachings had good morals. Paul said if the resurrection of Christ is false, "if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins." (1 Corinthians 15:16) Verse 19 says we are people most to be pitied. The truth of the gospel is what comforts us and energizes us. If the Bible is not true then it is silly. In that case we are fools.

Because we have seen God working in our lives and others' we have seen that the teachings of the Bible makes sense. We are sure that mankind is totally depraved. We see our own sinfulness and need of a saviour. We know that it is true. We are exclusivist. If the Bible is true we have to be.


  1. Dan,

    Is this post a joke? Please, please tell me a joke. Up until now, I have stayed off the "Dan is stupid" bandwagon. If you are seriously using Star Trek the Next Generation to justify Christian exclusivism, you are even less intelligent than I thought. This post shows a complete lack of logical thinking or persuasive argument. Rather than critique your writing, let me point out the flaws in your TNG argument. Are you aware, Pastor Dan, that Star Trek's message, at its core, is anit-religion, choosing instead to explain life's mysteries through science? Have you scene the episode entitled "The Chase", in which we learn that all humanoid races evolved from DNA seeded all over the galaxy by an older, more advanced race? That's right, another alien race. Not God, not Jesus. EVOLUTION. The fact that a future minister claims to be a fan of Star Trek baffles me, but the fact that you use it as an argument for Christianity makes me laugh. This post, perhaps more than others, demonstrates that you really are not equipped to teach others. NEBC is taking advantage of you. Any college worth its tuition would have tested your reading and writing skills and put you in an appropriate remedial English program, or denied you admission. I feel sorry that you may actually give a sermon of this caliber to the members of your congregation.

  2. I found this a post to be a bit confusing. The lack of ability to articulate is evident. I've never been to a Bible college but I do have a very good grasp on church history and theology. I am of the belief that Heavenly Father loves ALL of his children not just the ones that are members of a "Christian" church. I don't believe a pastor of a church should even be paid. My thought is that money that is paid to a pastor could be used to help those in need.

  3. hmmm not sure if using STAR TREK is the best way to illustrate your point. A point that I get and understand but because of a sermon my preacher gave not to long ago...minus the star trek refrence.

  4. Dan, this is the most idiotic post I've ever read. It shows your complete inability to grasp concepts. Star Trek is an atheist enterprise, just like Star Wars is an enterprise wrapped in Eastern pagan religions. That you don't seem to understand what the root beliefs of Star Trek suggests that you don't have very good thinking capabilities. I'm sorry Dan, but you are not cut out to be a pastor.

    I won't even mention the run on sentences, lack of grammar, weak argumentation or the use of the word believe five times in the opening paragraph. I mean really Dan, that Chuck Colson became a Christian isn't going to convince anyone that scripture is true. You don't even use the best example of rotten turns faithful. Paul after all was the chief of sinners. You need to rethink what you want to be when you grow up because it is clear as day that you aren't cut out for the pulpit.

  5. The Bible is the only way to heaven? I guess that is indicative of a religion that worships the Bible instead of God. I'm so glad I left that behind.

  6. I agree with Kathy. This post makes it sound like Christians worship the Bible, which they shouldn't. The Bible can become an idol just like any other object. We should be thankful that God has given us His word and study it so we can know who God is, but we shouldn't worship it. The Bible isn't the only way to Heavan, Jesus is.

  7. Dan... it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on some of the comments left on this blog. At least give your readers some sort of reaction as to why you agree or disagree with what they say. This is perfect training for when you have your very own congregation. People aren't always gonna agree with your Sunday sermon, are you just going to choose to ignore their response too. Thanks

  8. You personally see the Bible working in your life, but that doesn't mean that others due. Thus your argument that because it works in your life it must be true is incredibly flawed.

    The Bible, and Christianity in general, doesn't work for my life, or my husbands, or many friends and family of mine. So it isn't true for us.

    Doesn't mean it's not true for you, it still can be, but to argue that because it works for you it must be true for EVERYONE is to argue a fallacy: ignoratio elenchi. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.

  9. Jesus is the only way to salvation. the bible is Gods word to us. Jesus said that the scripture speaks of him. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. this wil probibly become a post.

  10. I'm just going to point out that a lot of the comments criticizing Dan's spelling, grammar, etc. are full of words that are spelled incorrectly. Just some friendly advice from a fellow spelling bee, (but not a grammar queen). If you are going to critique spelling, you should spell correctly as well. =)

  11. there is no spel check on coments.

  12. In a one sentence note you managed to misspell two words. How hard is it to proof read before you post? Or do you really not know how to spell 'comments' and 'spell'?
