Should the GOP bypass the 2010 Midterms?

The Republican Party has been in the wilderness since 2006 when they lost the House, the Senate and a large number of governorships. In 2008 they lost more seats in the House and Senate but recovered a few House seats they lost in 2006 and they lost the biggest prize of all: the presidency. With President Obama breaking several campaign pledges, like no earmarks, no lobbyists in the administration, and the AIG bonus debacle, Republicans are polling ahead of the democrats in the 2010 midterms. Several Senate seats which have long been off limits for Republicans now seem attainable. In Connecticut, Christopher Dodd with his ties to Countrywide and his involvement with AIG is trailing former Republican Congressman Rob Simmons. Beau Byden, the Son of Vice President Joe Biden, who is the former Secretary of State of Delaware and is currently a National Guardsmen serving in Iraq, is trailing GOP Congressman Mike Castle. It's beginning to look a lot like 1994 when the GOP retook Congress and the governorships. That was hate good news. The bad news was that 1994 led to 1996 when Bill Clinton won reelection.

The Republics viewed the 1994 elections as the beginning of the end of the Clinton regime. The Republicans won in 1994 because they were in the opposition. In 1996, they had power and Clinton had a viable enemy to campaign against. If they had not retaken the Congress in 1994 they would have been able to campaign from the outside. Since they had Congress, they could not blame everything on the Democrats. Since the Senate leader was the GOP presidential candidate, Clinton campaigned against Congress, especially the government shut down after refusing to pass his budget. Had a democratic Congress forced the budget down the American people's throats, the Republicans could have campaigned against that.

Perhaps it would be better for the Republicans to sit out the 2010 midterms and focus on the presidency. When the Republican took power in 1995, they tries to really take power and make Clinton look like a lame duck. They over reached by trying to pass their contract with America and acted like they had a mandate to govern.Clinton had the bully pulpit and turned everything against the Republicans. If we stay in the minority and let the democrats continue to suck it up, we'll have something to campaign on. President Obama promised change and we've seen little change.

I am not saying we should skip out on the midterms. I am throwing it out there to think about. For us who don't like the direction America is going in, we need to think of the best way to change it. Should we retake the legislature or let the democrats continue to govern and have a platform in 2012.

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