Types of Political Parties and Philosophies

Republican Party
The republican party is a center right part. It is an alliance of conservatives (faith, family and constitution), evangelicals (faith voters), fiscal (social moderate), libertarians, neo-conservatives (pro business, pro American imperialism), and moderate to liberal.

A Brief History
They began as an anti-slavery party. From 1861 to 1912, they were the dominant party. They were a pro business party in the 1920s. They were an anti-war party in the 1940's. In the 1960's, they became a conservative party. In the 1980's they became an evangelical conservative party. In the 2000's their big issue was national defense.

Mostly pro gun, pro life, pro family, pro strong defense, pro unfettered freedom for businesses, extreme capitalism, believe in US influence over the world, low taxes.

Democratic Party
Center left (heading towards extreme left), it is an alliance of liberal (government out of the bedroom), progressive (government is the answer to all of life's woes), blue dogs (fiscal conservatives), new democrats (center) and libertarians.

Brief history
This party dates back to Jefferson. The party was started to oppose the federal system. Jackson transformed it into the common man's party. Before the civil war, it was a southern pro slavery party. They were pacifists during the civil war. They were a progressive reform party from the 1800's until Wilson. It was a socialist party under FDR. During the Vietnam war, it morphed into an anti war party. Clinton modernized it as more centrist. Obama appears to be bringing it back to FDR.

Libertarian Party
The libertarian party believes less government is best government. They believe government stifles success. They have a live and let live philosophy. They believe in the Monroe doctrine of not being involved in European affairs. Wars should be authorized by declaration of war, not by use of force declarations by congress. They support legalization of drugs. There is no clear consensus on abortion.

Constitution Party
The third largest party by population, it is a Christian reconstructionist party (they want the ten commandments to rule the land). They believe freedom comes from God. Their views on war are similar to the libertarians.

The Green Party
They are the extreme left wing. They believe that government regulations are the only way to save the planet from global warming. They believe government must regulate consumer products to make sure they're safe. They believe in regulation of work environments as well. They oppose the World Trade Organization and NAFTA.


Conservatives believe in following the constitution as the law of the land. They believe in traditional values. They do not believe that separation of church and state means that people of faith cannot participate in the political process. They believe in a strong national defense. They believe that the right to carry weapons guarantees freedom. They believe high taxes stifle prosperity.

They believe government should be kept out of the bedroom. They believe anything goes. Morality cannot be legislated, so gays should not be discriminated against.

They believe that government is the answer to every problem. They believe governments must right every wrong. Many progressives are anti-war.

They believe that people can do whatever they want unless it hurts someone else. They believe laws should only be passed to keep pother people form being hurt. They believe drugs, homosexuality and prostitution does not hurt others, so they should be decriminalized.

Social Conservative
They believe in faith, family and the constitution. Unlike evangelicals, they tend to be Catholic. Usually, they are united with the evangelicals, but they disagreed over Mike Huckabee.

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