Stupid Stories of 2009

Here are, in my opinion, the oddest, weirdest, overblown, bizarre stories of the year. Some are funny, some are sad, some are mysterious, but all are worthy of note.

#10 Mark Sanford

Governor Sanford of South Carolina had refused to take the stimulus money. One weekend, he goes missing. Every one wonders where he went. His staff releases a statement that he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. A few days later he winds up in an airport saying he was in Argentina. He had been visiting his mistress. This basically ruined his political career. I was very disappointed in Sanford, since I had considered supporting him for president.

#9 Indianapolis Colts Throw the Game

It was the Colts versus the New York Jets, Colts had 15, Jets had 3. Head coach Brad Childers benched quarterback Paton Manning and all of the best players. The Jets ended up winning that game. Childers felt that his players needed to get rested up. The Colts had a perfect season but the coach felt it was better to lose some game than to not win the Super Bowl. As a Jest fan, I was happy they won, but not this way. It was a hollow victory.

#8 Jon and Kate Goslin

Those two had a reality show simply because they had eight kids. They last decade could be defined by it's reality shows. People were fascinated by how a big family lives. Several scandals developed about this family, including infidelity by Jon and the over controlling personality of Kate. You could blame the network, since this was pure exploitation to begin with. It is reminiscent of the old circus with the bearded lady. Jon and Cate were not victims because they agreed to it. The only victims are the kids.

#7 Janet Napolitano's Comment

She wanted to be Attorney General but was offered Secretary of Homeland Security instead. This cabinet department was created after the 911 attacks. It's primary purpose was to protect the country from Islamic terrorism. Napalitano said we need to also focus on returning veterans, pro-life, pro-enforcement of immigration laws, those concerned with China, and those concerned over the US' declining roll in the world as potential terrorists. After this statement we feared that she was turning this agency into a group that hunts down political enemies. While she backtracked her comments, this revealed her worldview.

#6 Tiger Woods

On Thanksgiving night Tiger was injured in a car accident. This incident revealed that Tiger was not the clean-cut guy we thought he was. For the time being, his career seems to be over. It was over-covered by the media. It almost appeared that the media wanted to cover up other stories. During this time President Obama was dragging his feet on the issue of sending more troops to Afghanistan. At the same time, a story broke revealing that scientists may have manipulated data on global warming. It seemed that coverage was to distract the American people.

#5 Michael Jackson

When Michale Jackson died, it was like a humanitarian had passed away. In recent years, Jackson had fallen from grace. Now, suddenly, he was considered a great man. The funeral was advertised to be this big event. At the funeral, there were more reporters than there were attendees. His death was a media driven event.

#4 Climate gate

Just before the climate conference in Copenhagen, there were reports that the Climate Research Institute at East Anglia University had cooked up numbers to make it look like the earth was hotter than it really was. This story was ignored by mainstream media. Right wingers like Rush Limbaugh claimed it proved global warming was a hoax. Does that mean that we should drill in ANWR? Does that mean that we should stop recycling and abandon new technologies? Because the media did not cover it, we did not get to debate those issue and we don't know what this really means.

#3 Miss California

At the Miss USA Pageant, Miss California was asked her thoughts on gay marriage by Perez Hilton, a gay activist. Her answer was that she felt that marriage was between a man and a woman. It was a politically correct answer. Perez wouldn't accept it and black-balled her. Christians everywhere were outraged. Even Sarah Palin got into it. As it turns out, Miss California was not quite as moral as believed. But why are Christians supporting other so-called Christians participating in a beauty pageant anyways? This was a non-story.

#2 Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin had been seen as an up-and-comer in the Republican party. She appealed to social conservatives. She made several blunders this year. She took a statement by David Letterman way out of context. She made a mountain out of a molehill. In July she resigned for no apparent reason. She has written a book which is riddled with historical inaccuracies. Even with all of this, she could still end up being the GOP nominee in 2012.

#1 Captain Sullenburger

A plain is hit by a bird and almost crashes into the Hudson. The Captain was able to land the plane safely into the Hudson River. It was called the miracle on the Hudson. He was on the cover of every magazine and was often mentioned. Every time there was an incident involving a plane, Sullenburger came up. There was moment by moment coverage of his return to the air. The media tried to milk this for all it was worth.


  1. Can you explain why you think Captain Sullenburger's safe landing is a stupid story?

  2. I agree with smockpuppet. He saved the lives of those on board. He was heroic. I wouldn't call it a stupid story at all.

  3. What Captain Sully did was great, but he got caught up in his own publicity and the media hyped this beyond what was necessary. For weeks his face was on every magazine. When he returned to the air for the first time, the hour before he got on the plane and the hour after was closely followed. It went too far. The media likes to prop people up.

  4. give me a break. from what i saw of the coverage he didn't seem caught up in anything. If he was he would have never started flying again. He could have milked it for all it was worth and made a ton of money by not flying. It's not his fault that the media jumped on the story. he had no control over how they dealt with the situation.

  5. Personally I think a better choice would hve been the balloon boy fiasco or octo mom...but this is your blog not mine! lol

  6. And just an FYI - Jim Caldwell is the head coach of the Colts.

  7. Ditto on Balloon Boy and Octo Mom.

    Captain Sullenberg didn't court the media. In fact, he tried to avoid it. Further, anyone with a basic understanding of physics and mechanics, and simple geography, would understand that what he did was miraculous. He managed to safely land a massive aircraft on a river with multiple bridges, power line crossings, and boat traffic, during icy, windy conditions, in the middle of one of the busiest air spaces in the country. He then managed to set the plane down with such a gentle touch that everyone survived a water landing - water landings are, this case excluded, always fatal in commercial aircraft. Anyone who has ever accidently let their car slip into the water at a boat dock knows that hitting water is like hitting a brick wall! Captain Sully managed to put a PLANE into the water without it tearing apart or killing anyone on board. Sure, he did what he was trained to do, but he did it with such skill and grace that it deserves some attention. Michael Jackson's death deserved less attention than this.

  8. Who do you think you are, calling people "so-called Christians?" That is not for you to determine. Just because someone does something that you may not necessarily agree with does not make them any less of a person or a Christian than you claim to be. Grow up. You are NOT pastor material.

  9. You and your wife really should think before putting all your info out on the internet. I just thought I would give you the heads up and tell you people has the adress of where you live, work, and go to school. Also a women who you work with has said you have been talking to her in away that makes her feel very uncomterable and Walmart's corp. office WILL be contacted! Also your school DEAN is going to be getting a call and e-mail in regards to emily writing/editing your papers.

    Your online persona's are about to effect your real lives.

    Also you should really try to act more like a Christain instead of a little boy with a computer and internet. You are not acting like a pastor in trainig you need to take control of your family and have your wife stop posting and causing all the drama. This is NOT the way a pastor's wife acts GET CONTROL OF YOUR WOMEN. You are not the head of your house how do you expect to run a church. Also what saying another pastor wants his church member's to die is disgusting and you need to pray for forgivness

  10. To the above person,

    I hope for your sake and Emily's that the husband she is married to isn't either abusive nor borderline abusive, because either way he could hurt Emily badly (thanks in no small part to your comments). Whilst not thinking he is any of these things, the facts are we just don't know.

    Maybe you should stick your head in and think a little bit.

    Mind you, I don't agree with a great deal of E/D's lifestyle choices (and find some of them downright repulsive and somewhat troubling), but they have that right to live however they choose, providing they aren't hurting anyone. As yet, I have seen no major sign that they are, so I leave them in peace.

    Listen. Think.


  11. i stand corected on the colts. i am new at sports.

  12. i asked a profesor at nebc. as long as it is my own thoughts it is not a problem.

  13. I am loving that you think Miss California gave a politically correct answer. Despite your feelings on gay marriage, you have to admit her answer was practically incoherent. She contradicted herself and called traditional heterosexual marriage "opposite marriage." I think a great deal of the controversy was because she couldn't drum up an actual politically correct answer, as she didn't seem to have the intelligence to do so.

  14. If your professor gave you that answer, knowing that most of the papers you are writing are actually injected with Emily's thoughts and nuances, then I think they are doing you a disservice.

    Independent thinking and writing are solo endeavors. Spell check is your friend. Give it a chance.

  15. Do you type with your feet? Or is English your second language?

  16. Let me guess, besides writing your papers and your blog, Emily also decides which comments to post.

  17. Just curious if your professors are aware of your disability (or plural, since you have never been diagnosed). How do you compensate for finals when Emily is not there to write your essays for you?

    Does the school have the resources to get you help or lead you to the proper professionals so you can get a proper diagnosis for your learning issues so you can be the best Dan you can be?

    Your post was not college-level work; even with spell check, your thoughts were often written in a way that was almost opposed to what you really meant to say (ie. Sully and Miss CA posts).

    Just curious what you think of Mike Huckabee, even though his political career is over and Mitt Romney. Is Romney off limits to fundamentalist Christians because he is Mormon? Had Huckabee not been exposed as releasing the Washington cop killer while he was an inmate in the Arkansas penal system, would his evangelism been more to your taste politically?

    If you believe in voting for someone based on faith, what are your thoughts (not Emily's or the internet's) on church and state?

  18. Since people are just discovering your blog are you considering going to older posts to reply to the comments that have only been recently added? Just curious.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Holy stalker, blogssuckarsh. Maybe you should take the next bus out of CrazyTown?

    I do think you and Emily should be careful about what you put out there on the interwebs, especially if you want to be a pastor, but that comment was just scaaa-ry.

  21. i dictate she writes what i sya word for word. i dont see the problem.

  22. i do check older post and coment.

  23. You realize that the name of the hotel was the Watergate, right? Adding the suffix -gate onto the end of everything you consider a scandal is honestly ridiculous.

  24. Do your professors ever give assignments in class, Dan? When I was an undergrad, I remember doing those awful blue book exams in some history and literature classes, for example. If so, what do your professors say about these assignments?

    I've been teaching Freshman Comp courses for years, and I always ask my students to do some writing in class. It gives me a good idea of what my students' writing skills are, especially at the beginning of the course. If there is a big difference between their "in-class writing" and their typed papers, that would be a problem for me. I would be very uncomfortable accepting your papers, Dan.

  25. What kind of college allows a student to turn in papers that are typed and edited by someone else just as long as the thoughts are the students? What kind of crackerjack box school are you going to?

  26. I have a really hard time believing your professors would accept work they knew you did not do. Regardless of whether they're your thoughts or not, the simple truth is that YOU did not do the work. I went to a public high school and they would not accept typed work if they knew you didn't type it yourself. I really don't believe a college, any credible college, would accept work such as that.

    Why not avail yourself of extension classes where you could learn to type legibly? Certainly a pastor would find it handy to be able to type quickly and accurately.

    I say this with the utmost kindness, Dan, but you and Emily are really doing yourselves, your children and your future a disservice by not addressing your scholastic issues. It is obvious that your writing skills are much less advanced than can be explained simply by being a bad typist. How can Emily, with possibly ten children one day, be expected to write for you? I would not respect nor take advice from a pastor who had such a problem with expressing himself. Emily says you're a dynamic speaker but nothing you've written attests to that at all. I don't believe it's due to laziness or carelessness; I truly believe there is a learning disorder which, if you sought assistance, can drastically improve and may make better the future of your family.

  27. I think the bigger question is how is Dan going to be able to write sermons if he can't write in the first place. Between Dan's clear inability to write and his likely inability to actually comprehend what he's reading and Emily's unmatched arrogance and lack of graciousness this pair is a disaster in the making for any church that is foolish enough to call Dan.
