My Writings

There have been questions about whether I actually wrote the post about styles of preaching. One commenter implied that it was really Emily that wrote it and I took the credit. Another person said it was cut and paste and not an original post by me. Let me assure this was to cut and pasted but was my own thoughts. There was some criticism that it could have had more information. Maybe it could have. The purpose of that post was to be a survey of preaching styles not an exposition. The purpose was to expose readers to different styles of preaching.

I am a bad speller, I admit it. I am bad at punctuation and grammar. I have never been diagnosed with any learning disability such as dyslexia, but there is a good chance I may have some sort of learning disability. The teachers at the elementary school I attended wanted me to be tested by the state for learning disabilities. My Dad was a proud man who did not want to accept that his son might have a learning disability and was paranoid of the government. He refused to let me be tested. To combat this problem all of my papers at school and blog posts are typed by Emily. I write out the posts on paper, then dictate it to her. For a while I wrote my own blog posts. My blog is just for fun. I enjoy writing and like to have my thoughts out there. It was originally intended for friends and family. I am glad other people are reading it though, but I do not like that people are reading it to pick my life apart. I do not like these accusations.

I hope what I have said will be taken to heart. I appreciate this opportunity to set the record straight.


  1. Dan, you can enroll in adult education classes given by your local school district to work on your writing problems. There is no stigma attached to admitting you have a problem. What your dad did to you is past and gone. Take control of your own destiny and do it for yourself.

    I wish you the best in 2010.

  2. There was more than just poor typing or poor spelling involved. The themes and execution of the material was far below the level of college worthy work. The poor spelling and horrendous syntax simply highlighted that problem.

    Further, if Emily is doing your schoolwork, that is detrimental to you in the long run. If you cannot handle the coursework then you should think of a different course in life. Further, I encourage you to take amulbunny's advice and seek continuing education classes.

  3. I agree with others that you may want to look into some additional help. Biddeford Adult Ed has programs as does Literacy Volunteers in Saco. While I understand where you are coming from, there is a point that having your wife help as much as she does can become a liability to you. Best of luck!

  4. Dan this is a really old post I but I just had to post this. I am a dyslexic, my mom comes from five generations of English teachers but noone figured out I was dyslexic until I was in college. I didn't learn how to read until I was seven years old and when I did I taught myself something that flabbergasted my mother. Once I taught myself how to read other things having to do with reading and writing fell into place for me mostly and I learned little coping strategies.

    Noone could ever figure out how I went from not being able to read to reading in a day until my mom and I read the book The Gift of Dyslexia suddenly it all started to make sense. The average dyslexic probably would not have figured out how to "center" on their own but I did, just like the author did but he was already a college engineer when he figured it out. But if you can check it out from the library or get it off of amazon it is so worth it!! He has exercises in the book that will help you learn to use your dyslexia and learn things at an amazing rate, especially writing, spelling and grammar.

    From the way that your write and your spelling in comments section I can tell you with certainty that you are most likely dyslexic, which does not make you stupid at all by the way (I have a masters and am working on a doctorate, and may get more than one so all they learning "disabled" people need to shut up, you just think differently.

    My husband is just like you he is highly intelligent and a wonderful talker but when it comes to putting pen to paper and in his case reading too he struggles. We are currently working through the exercises in the book so that finally after all these years he will be able to sit down and write a letter that everyone can read and understand, and hopefully pass his GED. My husband has been amazingly successful in his life he owns a successful business, and runs our ranch, is an airborne verteran but he struggles just like you with grammar and spelling I cannot imagine how hard it would be on his self esteem to be criticised for something he was trying so hard to do. Because it was so hard for him and he never got help he never finished high school he always wanted too though and this time he is going to do it! The funny thing is that despite having not finished high school he has alot of college credits which if he had a diploma he could put towards a degree.

    Don't let people mock you for having Emily type your papers and posts she is your head excutive just like I am my husbands lots of wealthy and powerful men have their secretaries take dictation not a big deal. Good luck, remember that dyslexics are actually smarter than "normal" people because we think differently! If you can't afford the book at least have your local library do interlibrary loan for you if they don't have it, it is so worth it I promise! Wish I could lend you my copy but we live on opposite ends of the continent. And don't let people make you self conscious keep trying.
