Sugar and Philosophy

Recently our family's diet has changed. We researched food and how it was made. We have discovered how bad sugar is. Not that thought it was good, but we realize just how bad it is. We made the decisions as a family to stop eating foods with sugar. This has been a difficult transition for me. Far more for me than for my wife. I am not really a sweet tooth, but do like candy chips and cupcakes on occasion. The hardest was giving up soda. According to one of the health experts online, a love of sugar is often your parasite's need to have sugar. I'm not sure I fully buy this. I began to think if my love of sweet things is just a chemical reaction, is it really limited to food.

Everyone has hobbies. They have interests, things they enjoy. But do they really enjoy those things, or is it just a chemical reaction? C.S. Lewis had a club or intellectuals that included J.R.R Tolkien and others. Their cub believed that a person was not defined by their interests. Our interests are so much a part of how we live. They are the things that we enjoy doing. Are they us? If we are a product of the things we are used, things that chemicals respond to who are we really? The atomist believed that events were determined by particles that make up the galaxy. Some believe these atoms were fixed, while others believed they swerved and that swerving caused free will. Could it be that people are different only because they are wired differently.

Do chemical reactions determine how we do things or do we influence the chemical reactions by our choices. Are we slaves to these choices or are the choices our slaves. Who controls who? This reminds me of the nineties song, "Walking in Memphis." The last line of the chorus says, "Do I really feel the way I do?" You could ask, do I feel at all? Is it just chemicals. I believe we are created by God with an intellect. Though we have these chemical reactions, we have choices. I believe we determine what we do. I also believe that God is in control of everything. Anything we do is ultimately controlled by God. God puts limits on our actions. Anything we do is allowed by God, even though he knows another way many be better. Yes, I do really feel the way I do.

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