Leaders of the Christian Faith

In church history there have been many influential leaders in Christianity who have turned the church and the world upside down. I will examine several key leaders and look at their life and influence.

Martin Luther

Luther is a major hero of mine. I find I relate to him in many ways. After a storm he felt compelled to become a priest. He found himself crushed by the weight of his own sin and found no solace in the legalism and tradition of his day. It is said he went to Rome and say a staircase that supposedly led to forgiveness. If you climbed all the steps on your knees and prayed the rosary all the way up you would be saved. As he climbed those steps, he found it all meaningless. It was not until he read Romans 1:17 that his life changed. "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith." He came to see the practice of indulgences as a gross distortion of Christianity, an exploitation of the people. He was so troubled that he nailed a 95 Thesis to the wall of the Wittenburg church. It was the nail pounding heard round the world. It started the protestant reformation. Luther was hunted and many times almost martyred for his faith. At one point he was summoned to account for charges of heresy. This was his response: "Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the scriptures, by clear reason, for I do not trust either in popes, or councils alone since it is well known they have often erred and contradicted themselves. I am bound by the scriptures I have quoted, and my conscience is captive to the word of God. I cannot and will not retract anything since it is neither save nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise. Here I stand." Luther struggled with depression. One day his wife wore black. When he asked her why she said that she was in mourning because God was dead. He responded that she should never say that. She said that he should stop living like he is. He wrote the hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God." I relate to Luther because he is so flawed. He was a man who struggled with demons figuratively and literally. He was used by God not because he was so great but he realized that the only answer was faith.

John Wesley

Although I disagree with him on certain points theologically, I am a big fan of him personally. When George Whitfield was asked if he would see Wesley in heaven, he shocked everyone by saying that he would not. He explained that Wesley would be so far ahead of him. Wesley literally saved England from the brink of oblivion. John and Charles Wesley were the youngest in a family of nineteen. As a child, he was the last one saved from a fire. His mother referred to him as her little firebrand. After being trained as a minister in the church of England, he went to America to evangelize the Indians. The only problem was that he was unsaved. He was a failure and went home disillusioned. On the boat ride home, he met up with Moravian missionaries. One of them asked him if he knew that Jesus was his saviour. He replied that he knew Jesus was the Saviour of the world. He was again asked if he knew that Jesus was his saviour. He finally admitted that he didn't. One night he wandered into a club that was discussing Luther's commentary to Romans. It melted his heart and he was born again. Thus he broke with the church of England and decided to bring the word of God directly to the people. He said that he would cause a pow boy to know more about the Bible than a churchmen. He influenced statesmen, such as William Wilberforce, who ended slavery in England, and John Newton, a slave captain turned minister. He left England better than he found it.

Jim Elliot

You would think that after missionaries were killed by the tribes they came to witness to, it would end tribal ministry or slow it down. Just the opposite happened. The wives of those men killed, including Elizabeth Elliot, went to that tribe and they came to Christ. Jim Eliot and the others inspired a new generation of missionaries. Jim Elliot had many quotes that had been a blessing to many. They include "Soon this life will come to pass, only what's done for Christ will last." and "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." I think you can flip around his saying as well, "He is definitely a fool who gives up what he cannot afford to lose to gain what he cannot keep."

John MacArthur

The son of a pastor, he became pastor of Grace Community Church in Pasadena, California forty years ago. He is also president of the Master's College and Seminary. He is committed to a verse by verse expository preaching. He is a Calvinist, or as he calls himself, Reformed Theologian. In 1989, he saw a rise in professing Christians who failed to live the life. He wrote the controversial book, The Gospel According to Jesus to respond to this phenomena. The book teaches that true Christians will live a consistent life. If someone walks away and never returns, they are probably not saved. Many turned against him. My Alma Mada cancelled a conference speaking opportunity. MacArthur has been a blessing in my life. I have been enriched through his ministry. I enjoy his books and his MacArthur Bible Commentary.

John Piper

John Piper has been an encouragement to me. His book Desiring God is an all time favorite. Piper's biggest theme is that mankind's purpose in life is to enjoy God. He often quotes the Westminster confessional, which says, "The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying him forever." He says that sin is seeking enjoyment from something other that God. Piper's books are sometimes redundant, but I love his overall theme.

Rating the Star Wars Movies Part I

Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 1999

After more than 25 years since the first Star Wars movie came out, and after years of rumours of more Star Wars movies, the Phantom Menace is released. The was the first in a trilogy dealing with the rise of an empire and how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vadar. In this movie the intergalactic republic is divided over the invasion of a small planet by a major voting block called the Trade Federation. We meet a young Obi Wan Canobe and the senator who would become the emperor. To many it was a disappointment. Many were critical of Jarjar Binks, who they found annoying. It is certainly not the best of the Star Wars movies, but it is worth watching.

3 out of 5

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones 2002

Set ten years after episode I, Anakin was now a young adult. An investigation into an assassination attempt lead to a complex mystery involving clones. In the same time, a conflict between the republic and the separatists gets heavy. Some criticize it for having way too much romance between Anakin and Ammidalla. I've also heard than many felt it was incomplete. The felt that too much was left int the air. I thought Count Duku was a strong villain. I enjoyed the mysterious aspects of this movie.

4 out of 5

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith 2005

Usually in an action movie you have a battle between good guys and bad guys. The good guy defies the odds and wins the battle. Even before going to see this movie, you knew that the bad guys were going to win, at least for now. Everyone expected it to be a darker film. I really like that Emperor Palpatine played such a big roll in it. In the first trilogy, there was very little character development of him. This is my favorite of all the Star Wars movies.

5+ out of 5

Rating the Star Trek Movies

Star Trek The Motion Picture 1979

This movie premiered ten years after the show was cancelled. With the success of Star Wars Paramount execs decided that this was the right time for a Star Trek movie. They gave it a big budget. They hired the direct of Sound of Music, Robert Weiss, and composer Jerry Goldsmith. The movie had big special effects. There was a rush to get it to theaters, so there was no edit. The movie had very little action sequence. many times in the movie, the crew were simply gazing at the special effects. It had the making of a good movie but fell short. I liked that the crew were uncertain of Spock's motives and the conflict between Kirk and Decker. I would not call it a terrible movie and do still enjoy watching it.

2+ out of 5

Start Trek II Wrath of Kahn 1982

The second movie had a much lower budget and hired lesser known director and composer. Gene Roddenberry did not produce the film and was only a consultant. Director Nick Myer decided he wanted to bring back a popular villain from the original series. He determined that Kahn was the best known villain. This movie is a fan favorite. It is an epic struggle between Kirk, who is getting older, and questioning his usefulness in the galaxy against Kahn who is bitter and angry. At the same time, a devise to benefit all now hangs in the balance. At first people were stunned at Spock's death, but after the shock wore off, they really enjoyed the film. It is not my6 favorite film, but I really like it.

4+ out of 5

Star Trek III Search for Spock 1983

For some reason, this film gets lost in the shuffle. A lot of people say it is not as good as Star Trek II. I like it slightly better than the Wrath of Kahn. It is a story of one group willing to sacrifice everything to save one life. In this movie the villain, Klingon Commander Krug, played by Christopher Lloyd, is not the central focus, but plays a vital part in the story. The destruction of the Enterprise is a shocker, but Star Trek is best when the producers take risks.

5 out of 5

Star Trek IV The Voyage Home 1986

Not just a fan favorite, this has made a lot of inroads into the non Star Trek audience. It had a much more humorous tone than the other Star Trek movies. The crew go back in time to 1986 to bring back humpback whales. The crew bumble around in a world and culture they know nothing about. A lot of well known Star Trek characters make cameos in this movie. For the first time, we get to meet a Federation president.

5 out of 5

Star Trek V The Final Frontier 1989

It is difficult to make a movie after a successful one. This movie is considered by most fans and critics as a flop. They make fun of the fact that the movie is about a search for God. They also make fun of William Shatner's directing abilities. I do enjoy this movie. It is definitely not my all time favorite movie. I would put it pretty close to the bottom of my list. I did not mind the story about God. I found that part compelling. I did not like that the Enterprise was run down and breaking apart.

3 out of 5

Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country 1991

Since the late 1940s the US had been at War with the Soviet Union. At times, it was on the brink of all out war. At other times, it had cooed down and seemed like a war in name only. In 1990, the Soviet Union had dissolved and the Cold War ended. On Star Trek, klingons were the all purpose enemy. Every time the Enterprise attempted peaceful contact with a race, the klingons would show up. On Star Trek Next Gen, the Federation and klingons were at peace. How did this happen? Star Trek VI was designed to be based on the changing world. This was an epic story and very compelling. It is my favorite of the Kirk era movies.

5+ out of 5

Good Music

In a recent post I gave standards of music based on Philippians 4:8. I want to look at a few secular artists that have good things to say. They have some lyrics that I believe worth listening to. You may agree or disagree with me. My purpose is to inspire discussion and more examination of music. I am not an advocate of only Christian music because it is lazy and not everything that calls itself Christian really is. We as Christians are to test everything according to God's word. Let's look at some artists and songs.


I don't agree with all of Bono, the lead singer of U2's theology or his over emphasis on feeding the poor. His songs are awesome. One of the most challenging songs of theirs is "I Still Haven't Found What I'm looking For." It is a challenging song. The last part of the song talks about what Christ did on the cross and then says "but I still haven't found what I'm looking for." It begs the question, why am I not satisfied. What more do I need to find. Another song is beautiful day, which talks about not letting circumstances get in the way of everyday life. The song "The streets have no name" has been turned into a worship song by Chris Tomlin. While they do have some songs that are questionable, most are very good.


The lead singer Chris Daughtry grew up in the churhc. Their music is not expressively Christian, but usually wholesome. An example of this is the song "Home". Many of their songs talk about making things right or making bad decisions or getting over them. I don't have a real problem with Daughtry.


Lifehouse is a semi Christian band. Sometimes their music deals with outwardly Christian themes and other times deal with virtues. They are known for making song about fidelity in marriage. The have counseled other secular artists going through difficulty in their marriage. They seem to have a good reputation.


The group's name is short for Payable On Death. They started out as a CSM group but their music has made it to mainstream radio. It has been played on hard rock stations that usually play music that glorifies violence. At work I've been forced to listen to those stations and have been relieved to hear "I Feel So Alive For The Very First Time, I Can't Deny You." This group has been controversial by Christians who question whether they are really one of us.


An older group that wrote "Dust In the Wind," The theme of this song was frustration about the futility of life. One of the singers was converted after writing this song. Most of Kansas' music is not offensive.

I hope this will inspire you to give these artists a chance and be critical of all music. While you may disagree with me or know something that I don't know about these artists, I believe Christians should listen to good music Biblically. For some you may believe that means sacred only.That's fine. I believe Christians should engage the culture without being tainted by it.